VI贴图 布衣沙发场景枕头PS模型mockup样机
Easy editable with smart objects for the pillows and the walls
VI贴图 烟灰缸PS模型mockup样机
You can choose color and edit design on editable elements (smart objects, col...
VI贴图 凉拖拖鞋PS模型mockup样机
You can choose color and edit design on editable elements (smart objects, col...
VI贴图 经典运动鞋PS模型mockup样机
You can choose color and edit design on editable elements (smart objects, col...
VI贴图 肥皂块肥皂水品牌包装PS模型mockup样机
15+ photorealistic presentations
the possibility of adding and editing selec...
VI贴图 web网站3D全面屏展示PS模型mockup样机
Mockups for 1, 2 and 3 screenshots
Select your own background color
VI贴图 烤箱手套PS模型mockup样机
file works only in Photoshop (min. PS CS4);
pack includes 1 .psd file, file ...
VI贴图 高档食用油金属油桶包装PS模型mockup样机
High resolution psd file with various options
5400x3600 | 18”x12” | 300 dpi
VI贴图 3D网页浏览器WEB设计展示PS模型mockup样机
8 Different Dispaly Mock-Ups
8 Layered PSD File
High Resolution: 300 DPI
VI贴图 婴儿湿巾塑料包装PS模型mockup样机
1 psd files
Changable color background
Easy customizable and editable
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High Resolution. 5000×4200 pixel size, 300dpi
Easy and fast editing via smar...
VI标签贴图 沙冰水果果汁柠檬汁橙汁西瓜汁草莓汁PS模型mockup样机
12 Photoshop PSD-file
Very Easy to edit by Smart Object
Layered and Grouped...
VI贴图 超薄纸盒快递包裹纸箱PS模型mockup样机
You can choose color and edit design on editable elements (smart objects, col...