VI贴图 塑料药瓶品牌包装外观设计展示PS样机
Resolution: 4000×3000 px
11 different Mockups
Smart Object for easy customi...
VI贴图 苏打水软饮料易拉罐品牌包装外观设计展示PS样机
Resolution: 4000×3000 px
13 different Mockups
Smart Object for easy customi...
VI贴图 软饮料易拉罐品牌包装外观设计展示PS样机
Resolution: 4000×3000 px
13 different Mockups
Smart Object for easy customi...
VI贴图 银行卡信用卡购物卡礼品卡塑料卡片外观设计展示PS样机
Resolution: 4000×3000 px
21 different Mockups
Smart Object for easy customi...
VI贴图 五联5联小册子宣传册展示PS样机
Very Realistic Output: High level of details brings this to a new level of re...
VI贴图 六联6联小册子手册说明书外观展示PS样机
Very Realistic Output: High level of details brings this to a new level of re...
VI贴图 A4对折双联小册子宣传册展示PS样机
Very Realistic Output: High level of details brings this to a new level of re...
VI贴图 双向折叠小册子设计展示PS样机
Very Realistic Output: High level of details brings this to a new level of re...
VI贴图 500ml易拉罐外观设计展示PS样机
Very Realistic Output: High level of details brings this to a new level of re...
VI贴图 马克杯带柄水杯观设计展示PS样机
Resolution: 4000×3000 px
10 different PSD Mockups
Smart Object for easy cus...
VI贴图 带盖长方形盒子包装纸盒外观设计展示PS样机
Two (2) layered PSD mock-ups; 4 views
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VI贴图 方形包装小纸盒外观设计展示PS样机
Three (3) layered PSD mock-ups; 6 views
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